citizen media

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Citizen about art, music and storytelling designed by and for ourselves. It is about ourselves as producers and consumers. Citizen Media can not exist in a world without the internet, without hand held cameras and video recorders, without iPods, without phones with cameras, without html, css, Photoshop, Audacity, iMovie and Flash. Citizen media can not exist without people like yourselves who are willing to move from the back of the couch to the edge of your seat and peer into the consensual hallucination known as cyberspace. Peering in is the first step but eventually you need to make your presence known which means you need to start authoring. Maybe you author a text blog, maybe you snap a few pictures. Maybe you do some drawings and paintings, maybe comics, Maybe you get a cheap digital camcorder and start to interview friends and acquaintances about issues important to you. Maybe these issues are life threatening such as politics and religion. Maybe your concerns are light and frivolous ... merely entertaining. The important point is that the issues are important to you, the author, and you are willing to make the leap into the void, share your thoughts and allow your thoughts to be challenged and changed by others you may have never meet.

This class is about making that leap.

This class is run from the website which changes as the class changes. Always check this site for the final answer.

How to reach Thom and the class:

© 2006, Dept. of Telecom | Indiana University

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